Sod Installation Calgary

Grass Dying? Here’s Why You Choose Sod Instead

You look at your lawn every day as you leave or return from work or errands.  Things do not look very good.  This is not a new landscape; it is a mature lawn that should be lush and verdant.  Your grass is dying, either in spots or all over.

Instead of just throwing out some seed and hoping for the best, call a reputable landscape company in Calary and discuss sod.

Bare Patches

This could be caused by a number of reasons.  Usually it is from a high traffic area, where children plan, or a favourite spot for your pets.  The other reason is generally too much shade caused by mature trees overhanging the area.  Your landscape company will probably start with some good top soil and then lay sod in the specific areas.sod-installation-calgary-landscaping-5ed945066fced

However, if the bare spots are scattered all over the yard, it is possible that the entire lawn is simply dying.  At that point, it would mean starting the entire area by tilling it and laying sod.


If you only have a few scattered weeds, you can handle that with an appropriate herbicide and a good pre-emergent each spring.  However, if there are more weeds, your grass will soon be overtaken by these invasive vegetation.  The best solution is a re-sodding.

A good landscaper will first apply a chemical that will kill the weeds through the roots.  You want your yard to be free of roots and seeds before you start fresh.  Then you will have a new lawn the way it should look.


There are various diseases that will attack your grass.  If you use your hand and try to pull up some grass and it comes out easily and all the way to the roots, you have a serious problem.  One of the most prevalent causes is the condition of the soil itself.  The other common cause is overwatering.

Your sod installation company in Calgary can start with a good layer of top soil that has the nutrients necessary to promote a healthy lawn.  Then the sod is laid.  Your company will also provide instructions for appropriate watering, including amounts and best times to irrigate.

If you have a poor lawn, or have questions, please feel free to contact us at Project Landscape in Calgary.  We are happy to have one of our representatives come to see your property and offer suggestions.