If you are looking for someone to handle your landscape maintenance in Calgary, you are probably starting by using Google, Bing or other search engine. Here is what you will find. The first three to five will be ads and the next several will be large companies. That is because the larger entities have hired marketing companies to use specific words that will trigger the response. An alternative is to click on the next page to find more Calgary-local companies that will give you a better variety.
Landscape Maintenance Company Search Tips
First look at the photos of their work. If all the plantings look similar you will realize that they perform the same maintenance on the same type of shrubbery or turf. If you have something different in your yard, you may want to be sure they can handle the diversity and know how it should be handled. Also, if you want to look like every other house on the block, go with this company. However, if you have a landscape design with some unique elements, keep looking for a gallery that maintains a natural look while still keeping your personality or architectural preferences.
There are some things to watch out for during the meeting. Start with courtesy. If they were not on time, did they explain why? Listen to the questions they ask. Besides asking what you wanted from their service, did they ask why you have decided to opt for maintenance or why you were changing providers? Maintaining eye contact is important. If they keep looking around, they may not comprehend what you are trying to say. Do they explain too much? That includes telling your basics that anyone should be aware of.
When they look at your area, do they take photos or measurements? Have they asked about how you use the space, i.e. entertaining, kids’ play area, dog run, etc.
Be wary of online reviews and testimonials. Instead ask for names, phone numbers, and addresses. If you can speak directly with a customer, you will have a better feel for reality.
Compare Estimates
The lowest price is not always the best deal. You need to examine the value you will receive for the money you pay. Realize that the amount you are paying does not go directly into someone’s pocket. They need to cover expenses like good insurance, wages, and equipment. By the way, if you get a chance to see their equipment notice if it is well maintained.
Choosing the right landscape maintenance company can pose challenges, but with some careful homework you can make the best choice.
At Project Landscape we put the customer in the forefront. We make every effort to give you the service you deserve. If there are problems, we want to know about them as soon as possible so that we correct anything you are not satisfied with.
Our goal is to have you as a satisfied client. To hear more about our services, contact us today.