Snow Removal Calgary

Looking for Emergency snow removal?

There are many reasons why it is important for a Calgary commercial enterprise to remove snow from sidewalks, entryways, parking lots, and driveways.  Most companies make arrangements early in the season.  However, there are times when those plans fall through.  Perhaps it was assigned to an employee who is unable to complete the task or the company you hired failed to live up to expectations.  That means you need emergency snow removal.

At Project Landscape, we understand this predicament and are happy to help you out.  It is part of our philosophy to help you comply with these standards:

Obey the Law

emergency snow plowIn Calgary it is a law that you must have your walkways and sidewalks cleared after the snowfall ends.  If you fail to comply, you are subject to citation.  As good citizens, we are happy to help you with this compliance.


The first concern is for pedestrian traffic and slips and falls.  However, it is also a real possibility for vehicles to slip causing damage to their own car or truck, someone else’s, or the curbs or poles situated throughout the lot.  Clearing parking areas also means that it is safer for the shopper to move from their vehicle into your store.

If snow and ice are not removed properly, there can be serious damage to the asphalt and concrete.  That damage will then split and crack and result in expensive repaving when the weather is more temperate.  As a business owner you don’t need to add to your expenses.

A commercial snow removal company like Project Landscape will send out experienced crews who are trained in the proper use of equipment.  Using proven methods, the snow and ice will be removed for the safety of your employees and customers without damage to your sidewalks and parking areas.

Time Saving

Using a commercial snow removal company means that your employees are not pulled away from the jobs they were hired, that is, helping your customers.  Using your own employees can mean they are not as well versed in safety.  If one of them is injured during the snow or ice removal, you will need to file a workers compensation claim.  That also means you will be without a valuable employee during the recuperation period.  These are not good options for you as a concerned business owner.  Leaving this task to a professional means safety for all concerned.  Our employees are insured by us so you will have no liability issues to be concerned with.

Loss of Business

If you don’t have your areas cleared quickly after a snow or ice storm, you risk the lost of revenue.  Potential customers will come to your lot and seeing that it is not safe to drive or walk, they will simply keep traveling to your competitors.  This can have an impact on future sales because these people will feel that you don’t care enough about your customers to give them the prompt safety measures they expect.

If you have any questions about our emergency service, don’t hesitate to contact us about our emergency snow removal services in Calgary.

Snow Removal Calgary

Snow Removal in Calgary

Calgary has bylaws that include a 24-hour timeframe to clear your sidewalks after a snowfall.  This is designed for the safety and consideration of all those who use pathways on a regular basis.  If you do not comply, you face warnings and then penalty assessments.

Snow Removal CalgaryInstead of worrying and dreading the backbreaking work of shovelling snow, or the frustration of using portable snow blowers, just contact Project Landscape.  We offer a full range of snow removal services for both residential and commercial clients.  Our services include:

  • Shovelling
  • Plowing
  • Ice removal
  • Porch and step clearing
  • Parking lot plowing
  • Sand and salt applications

Residential Snow Removal

It doesn’t take long for a snowfall to create slippery walkways, pavements, driveways, and paths.  This is a serious situation that can cause accidents for you, your family, postal delivery, etc.  Snow removal is not an easy task especially for those with medical conditions or the elderly.

Unkempt snow removal can be detrimental to your curb appeal.  Just because it is winter, there is no reason why your property should not look its best, especially in comparison to the others in your neighborhood.

At Project Landscaping it is our goal to give your home the warm appeal you established during the spring through fall.  You can relax indoors where it is safe while our crews do all the work.

Commercial Snow Removal

As a business owner in Calgary you have a huge responsibility to maintain all the walkways and parking areas to provide easy access for your customers and employees.  Assigning this task to one of your employees means taking them away from other work that could be earning you money.  It is far more reasonable to hire Project Landscape.  We have the right equipment and trained workers to help you keep your doors open to the public.

Our trucks are equipped with blades designed to clear parking areas without damage to the underlying asphalt or concrete.  We can also follow up with laying a mixture of sand to provide the best traction for walking and driving.

Walks that are kept clear of snow and ice reflect the concern your business has for others.  This not only creates a welcoming atmosphere but promotes good will.  If machines will not adequately remove the snow in front of your facility, we have backpack blowers and even hand shovels to tackle those difficult areas.

There may be limited area in your parking lot for the excess snow.  We understand this problem and therefore offer hauling and dumping services.

If all of this sounds pretty good to you, contact us at Project Landscape about scheduling snow and ice removal around your property this winter.  Our crews are professionals who are licensed and insured and who receive special training for this service.

You will find that our rates are reasonable and competitive in the city.  We have the equipment and personnel to handle this seasonal work.  We will be happy to schedule an appointment for one of our estimators to come to you to confirm the space and work to be provided.  We can then offer a firm quote for our services.

Snow Removal Calgary

Why You Should Hire a Commercial Snow Removal Service

Every winter property owners prepare for snow and ice removal.  For both commercial and residential owners the risk of injury to themselves or others is a critical reason to remove the snow and ice as soon as possible.  Removing the snow by yourself is certainly an option, but it is far better to hire a commercial snow removal service in Calgary to take care of this task for you.

Reduced Responsibilities – For homeowners it is important to remove the snow and ice so that you can use the driveway and so that foot traffic on the city sidewalks is safe.  For commercial enterprises, it is necessary to have the parking lot as well as the pathways clear for employees and customers.

It is a real responsibility to be out in the cold and wet clearing property following a snow or ice fall.  In fact, it can be downright depressing knowing that you need to perform this duty day after day to keep the driveway, parking area, and walkways clear.  This stressful situation is easily remedied by contracting with a commercial snow removal company.  They will be the ones gearing up and taking care of all the areas so that you and others can safely drive and walk.

Equipment – If you plan to take care of this removal yourself, you will need to invest in equipment.  A snow shovel can only handle so much weight and it re

Why You Should Hire a Commercial Snow Removal Service

quires a great deal of stamina even for those in good shape.  You can purchase a snow blower but to get a really good one.  Plus, you will still need to get out every morning in the cold and wind to operate it.  If it is gasoline powered, you will need to tug several times to get it started.  For an electric, you will need to be mindful of the cord or you could be in great difficulty.

For commercial owners you will need even more of an investment.  Scrapers on truck or SUV bumpers are only somewhat effective.  If you have a large area to clear, you can be at it for quite some time.  Salts and chemicals will eat away at the cement and asphalt.

Potential Injuries – If you get out on your own, you risk pulled muscles, falls, and cardiac events.  As a business owner you can assign the clearing to your employees.  However, if one of them is injured in the process, you will need to deal with a worker’s compensation claim.  Homeowners can hire the kid down the street, but, again, if there is some type of injury, you will be responsible.  Check with your homeowners policy about the limits of your liability in these situations.

Hire a Commercial Snow Removal Service in Calgary Today

In addition to these issues, you run the risk of damaging the turf covered by the snow or the concrete, pave stones, asphalt, and any nearby shrubbery.  The best alternative is to contact Project Landscape to get an estimate for our snow removal service.  It will be quicker than doing it yourself and you will not need to worry every time you see a snowflake.

Snow Removal Calgary

What to Look for in Commercial Snow Plowing

In less than half a year, we are going to experience the winter with heavy snow and ice.  Based on what we have witnessed in the last years, we can expect that this ice and snow can interfere with our activities in one way or the other. For this reason, most people and especially the business owners are looking for ways to prepare in advance by organizing for commercial snow plowing with a prominent and a reliable snow plowing company.

With such a company, you will not have to worry about waking up to report to a snow blocked business office. But how will you choose a perfect company that will work on snow plowing seamlessly? What are some of the questions you will seek answers from the company before you enter into a contract? This brief has all these and additional tips that will help you make a sound decision.

How fast do you respond after a winter snowfall or a storm?

calgary snow removal servicesI think this is the most important question to ask. Are you wondering what would happen if the company you go for is unable to respond to your call fast in due time? That would compromise the operations of your business and at the same time waste you and your business a lot of money and time. For that reason, you have to think about how fast will your snow company be able to respond to the call? Ask them all these questions and demand detailed answers. Inquire whether the company will come immediately you call them during a heavy snowfall or they will wait for it to stop.

To help your company respond faster and better, they expect you to share with them your business hours so that they will know the best time of the day to start their activities. I bet you don’t want piles of snow at the entrance that would block the way as visitors, clients and employees report.

Where will you be putting the snow?

Before you choose any of the companies out there, ask about what they do with the already removed snow and how they do it. Furthermore, you can ask where the company puts the snow and how efficient that will be. What this means is that you should ask them to explain where the snow will be put and whether that will affect your business or the neighbourhood.

Will you be doing any pre-treating of my site?

I know you care so much about your property and how well the company will remove the snow. With that, you have to inquire whether the snow removal company in Calgary you are about to choose will perform any type of pre-treatment on the site. If they do, then they are right for you. If they don’t, it will be a wise decision to look for one that offers this service.

Will you perform any follow-up treatments?

After the whole process has been conducted and the snow removed, you need a company that will follow up for treatments thereafter. You need a company that will inquire and visit the site several times to see how you are doing and if everything is okay. The company should also be at a position to offer all post-treatment measures.

What kind of equipment do you have?

Before you sign a contract with any company, you must ensure they have the right equipment and hardworking employees. This will ensure they are super fast in dealing with your issue and are also at a capacity to solve the problem as needed. I am sure you need a company that can provide proof that they are capable of solving the problems at hand. You also have to ensure that their equipment are fitted with GPS tracking systems which will provide the information about when they arrived, how long they were there and when they packed.

How do I communicate with you during a storm?

Don’t let the snow be a cause of worry this coming winter. Hire a snow removal company that you can reach out to fast enough and be at a capacity to respond and act swiftly to remove the snow. Ask them about their best methods of communication and the best way you can reach out to them. First of all, check reviews about their customer care. If their customer care is able to respond fast and solve your issues, then this is the company to go for.

The above are some of the questions you can ask. However, there’s no limit to how much information you can ask from the company you want to contract with. Delve deeper into their company and be sure you are hiring the best partner.

Snow Removal Calgary

What to Look for in Snow Removal on Pedestrian Walkways

We expect that the coming winter there will be a lot of snow and Ice on the crosswalks and the sidewalks. To make these places passable and safe, we have to, first of all, start by getting a good snow removal company to take the task. What becomes difficult is the process of spotting a nice and highly dependable snow removal company. There’s a lot you are supposed to factor in when in process. To make it easy for you, we have a list of what to look for in snow removal on pedestrian walkways.

Snow and Ice on the walkways can be a cause of worry and a walking challenge. Through commercial snow removal Calgary, you can be able to clear your walkways very fast and reduce the hazards that always come with it.

Overuse of ice melt can damage the pavement

snow-removal-walkways-calgary-As summer fades into winter, there are many mistakes people are likely to make with ice melt. We all know that ice melt products can help us keep the walkways passable and also keep our houses and pavements clear and safe. However, you should know which types of Ice melts you are supposed to use.

Most cleaners assume that as long as little ice melt did a good job, too much of it will do a fantastic job in clearing the walkways. On the contrary, using these products overly will only damage your pavements and cause more harm than good. The good thing is that many manufacturers have come up with ice melt products that can be used in small amounts and still be effective in clearing snow and Ice.

Overuse of ice melt is likely to lead to the product being unnecessarily trapped into the gaps in the pavement. This means it will weaken the concrete and eventually destroy the pavement. As Greg MacDonnell advises, too much of ice melt doesn’t improve performance in any measure.

It’s always a prudent move to get in touch with a snow removal Calgary company to help you because most of them have the right experience and expertise to remove snow and Ice from the walkways.

Multiple services to keep clear and free of snow and Ice

As the winter approaches and you need to get that snow and Ice from your sidewalks and walkways, there’s a lot of work that will be involved. This sounds simple, but you are likely to require multiple services to keep sideways clear and free of snow and Ice.

Most of the services you will not be able to offer on your own. This means that you need a snow and ice management Calgary provider to cater for all your needs. With all the equipment required and a couple of qualified employees to facilitate the process, you can expect they are likely to offer all the services needed and lastly be free to offer post-removal treatment procedures.

Drip zones from roofing and obstacles

You also need a service provider that will remove Ice and snow from all the other parts of the home. With a snow plowing Calgary service provider, Ice from all corners of the house will be removed completely. You are actually required to get in touch with a company with all the right equipment and employees so that you have nothing to worry about. Peace of mind is very important, and it only comes with a reputable service provider.

Don’t wait

If you want to deal with this problem fast enough, then you are not supposed to wait any further. As a matter of fact, you are required to contact the snow plowing company as soon as possible so that they can start the work before the problem gets out of hand. One mistake that people make is to wait until the snow has finished. In such a situation, most companies will have overwhelming orders which means snow removal on your walkways and sidewalks will be delayed.

In simple terms, you should talk to the company immediately you notice an impending problem from snow and Ice. This way, they will be at a better position to prepare in advance and help deal with the issue fast enough.

If you want to deal with the problems on your own, then there’s room for that effort. However, start early to avoid dealing with piled up Ice which can also be hazardous to both you and the people around. Though, in most cases, you need experts for pre-and post-treatment.

Those are some of the things to look for in snow removal on pedestrian walkways and sidewalks. The information provided above should be enough to get you started.

Snow Removal Calgary

5 Snow and Ice Management Tips Calgary Shopping Centers

We all know that the winter season comes with heavy snow or ice and we have to act fast in order to maintain our properties. With that said, this is never an easy task. Snow piles up pretty fast and can get to overwhelming levels in a split second. That is why you will need proper snow and ice management techniques to get the job done.

So what do you do to ensure you sidewalk, driveway and landscape remain intact and gorgeous throughout this season? Keep in mind safety comes first and to strike a balance this often feels like a double sided sword. Well, worry no more because there are a few tips that you can implement which will make snow and ice removal an easy no-brainer task. Additionally, visit the Calgary shopping centers for more insights on snow and ice management.

Remove snow quickly and frequently

This is one of the most effective ways to manage snow and ice. Don’t wait for it to pile up to dangerous levels. Always have it removed quickly and as often as you possibly can. Another thing is that you should remove the bulk of snow before your employees report to work. Let the process continue all day long if the snow and ice has not ceased to accumulate.

snow removal shopping centres calgaryBuy good quality machines

Make it a point to purchase solid machines. You wouldn’t want to get frustrated in the middle of removing a heap of snow simply because the equipment you purchased let you down. There are a variety of tools that you can use to remove snow depending on the amount and extent of the snow cover. For instance, shovels, rakes and snow scoops are ideal for quickly getting rid of snow on driveways or yards.

On the other hand, if you have a large yard or driveway then the snowblower is the best option. It will be effective in situations where the snow has covered at least two inches from the ground. You can use the snowblower to clear snow and ice fast and over large areas.

Plow snow and ice after hours

When you want to effectively remove snow and ice from your property then the best time to do so is after hours. This is the time when most areas within the property are empty. At this time, there will be no cars at the parking lot hence it will be much easier to clear snow, ice, frozen run-off or slush. Talk to your contractor and notify them about the after-hour periods.

Observe the thawing periods

This is often a period of time that many people overlook when it comes to snow removal. Be on the lookout for thawing snow and ice. The best thing to do at this point is have all the melting snow or ice immediately cleared. Most of the time, thawing snow or ice refreezes at night when the temperatures drop. This can be hazardous in the morning and cause slips or fatal falls.

Take the necessary precautions

Snow removal is a critical task and has to be done the right way. One wrong move can turn out costly. Make sure you wear protective clothing and keep warm to avoid catching a disease. Also, have a designated place where you will pile the cleared snow. Some contractors usually have such services and will take care of this for you.

Snow Removal Calgary

5 Best Practices for Choosing a Snow and Ice Management Partner

With so many unpredictable climatic changes, you never know which time you will need snow and ice management services the most. Some regions including Calgary and her neighboring areas experience colder and longer winters which is the reason why you should always be prepared. You need to be very ready each and every time for peace of mind. Calgary commercial snow Removal Company will help you in removing snow and at the same time offer melting services.

For most people and Businesses, it’s very hard to get the best snow and ice management partner especially because of lack of information. For this reason, we have offered 5 best practices for choosing snow and ice management partner.

How much are you willing and able to pay?

The weather in Calgary and many other regions is unpredictable. This is actually what makes budgeting for snow and ice management service difficult. The reality is that the services, materials and the pricing will vary from time to time. Though, you can make up your mind whether you want to pay for services delivered only or if you want to set pricing depending on the weather.

Don’t wait


People make one big mistake when they are looking for snow and ice management partner or when they want to switch from one partner to the other. Thinking that there’s enough time to do that is the worst thing you can ever do. The best practice is to start early because you will have enough time to vet different providers, develop a transition plan in case you want to switch partners. You will also have enough time to work with your provider to get insights about the scope and the budget for all the services you need.

Your needs and those of the business

The other practice is to determine your needs and those of the business. The fact is the quality of services you will get from a service provider will be directly determined by how better he/she understands your needs.  Check to see whether the partner you are about to choose is an accurate reflection of the services you require.

Safety and risk management

The other thing to consider is the risk and safety management. The provider you are about to go for should have liability insurance coverage. You should as well determine whether they have a documented safety program. The partner should as well adhere to local and international licensing processes and regulations. The people that will be servicing your premises should as well be certified and possess the right knowledge and experience to offer the services.

Regular communication and Documentation

Before you settle with any snow and Ice management provider, you have to ask about their systems and how to effectively communicate with them. As a matter of fact, communication is what determines the level of reliability between the partner and your needs. The partner you are about to settle for should as well have a subscription to a private weather forecasting service. This will make sure they always have alerts about weather changes.

Snow Removal Calgary

Commercial Snow Removal Services in Calgary

As a business owner you recognize that it is important to keep your doors open to customers.  In the winter this means keeping the snow removed.  Employees and customers expect to find cleared walkways and plowed parking lots.  If this is done in a shoddy manner, it will reflect on you and your company.

Without snow and ice removal you could face a fine by the city of Calgary, reduce traffic into your business with decreased sales, and liability for accidents.

Project Landscape offers commercial snow removal servicescommercial-snow-removal-service-calgary so that you can operate your business as usual.  Our goal is to create a safe and secure path into your building and to keep your parking areas cleared for driving, parking and entering and exiting the vehicles.

You work hard to keep your building clean and attractive.  This includes summer maintenance of the lawns and shrubbery.  In the winter, curb appeal is just as important.  Using a professional plowing service means you can maintain the solid image you have established.  Returning customers will know that you are concerned for their safety and will encourage new customers to try your products or service.

If snow is left untreated, it will impact the accessibility to the building for employees and patrons.  If improperly shovelled, it will still create a problem involving slips and possible falls.  Another problem can be how the snow is removed.  If performed carelessly, it can damage the concrete or flagstones in the walkways.  In the parking lot, it can damage the asphalt or markers for parking spaces.  It is in everyone’s best interest for your business to contract with a professional snow removal company that deals with commercial enterprises.

Commercial Snow Removal

Our service deals with property areas of all sizes.  From small or tight areas to those lots that extend over acres.  We can clear the full lot, deal with islands.  We handle all entrances including back doors, emergency access, and other points of entry.  We will work with you to determine the most advantageous time for our crews to arrive and complete the work so that your customers can park safely and move to and from their vehicles to your building.

We are able to customize our service to your needs.  This includes basic sidewalk cleaning to heavy duty removal and hauling away the snow.  We can work on public and private areas,  driveways, pathways, ramps, fire exits, and give careful consideration to handrails and stairs.

We have an experienced crew and a fleet of various sized vehicles like snow plow trucks, bobcats, sweepers, etc.

Our commercial snow removal services in Calgary are competitively and reasonably priced.  From inches to feet of snow, we are ready to help you endure the next winter and those after it.  Contact our office for a quote and to arrange service.  We will be happy to send a representative to your commercial enterprise to evaluate your needs and discuss any details pertinent to your situation.