Snow Removal Calgary

Tips for Choosing The Right Commercial Snow Removal Company 

Yes, winter is rolling around fast, and soon it will be ice and snow everywhere. Now is the time to invest in a commercial snow removal company to keep the parking lot and walkways clear. Of course, you want to avoid accidents on your watch and be liable for those injuries. So how do you choose a professional yet reliable company to help remove the ice from your commercial property? 

Start Your Search Now!

The truth is that many business owners need more time to invest in a commercial snow removal company. The best time to start searching is way before the first snow arrives. The reason is that the companies want to meet you personally to discuss your snow removal needs. 

Professional snow removal businesses want to know what the top priorities in your area are. You want a reliable team standing ready to remove the snow to keep your premises snow-free. If you wait until the snow starts falling, you may need more time to get someone to help. 

You may find that a landscaping provider offers lawn and snow removal services, making it a worthy investment. So, connect with a snow removal company today to compare prices and the services offered. 

What’s Included in The Contract

Don’t just sign the dotted line first; find out what the commercial snow removal company includes in the contract. For example, you may find that some providers set a price according to the driveway length. At the same time, others give you a fixed price for the whole season. 

Some companies charge you an amount on the snowfall that falls during the season with a base rate to specific depths with added fees. Furthermore, ask about the services included and what they perform. You may end up with ice removal as the service is not included. 

Do They Have Insurance?

Insurance for commercial businesses is essential if ever unforeseen accidents happen. So, choose a snow removal company that insures their employees in case of mishaps. In addition, you want a company covered with insurance if damage occurs to your property. 

Do They Subcontract The Work?

Ask if the commercial snow removal company has its workforce or subcontracts the work. Hence, choose a business interested in the industry as subcontractors need to get work done fast to move on to the next job. With employees, they will take their time to remove the snow to get it done professionally to repeat the business with you. 

Do Job Tracking of The Commercial Snow Removal Pros You Use

You do not want to deal with legal actions resulting from a slip-and-fall on the property. However, when it does happen, you need to confirm that a snow removal company was on site to perform the job. Hence, hire a company that can provide you with job tracking to show they have been there. So, you can see the arrival time and how long they worked. 

Equipment and Safety Go Hand in Hand

When choosing a commercial snow removal company, you must feel confident they can handle the job. So, inspect the equipment they use as you want it to be in excellent condition with a call out. Still, most notably, the employees need the proper training to handle the equipment. The staff needs safety training and must know how to prevent accidents when doing the job. You do not want anyone hurt while working on your property. 


Snow Removal Calgary

How to Have Fun in The Yard in Winter

In winter, we always want to find excuses to remain indoors. Still, it does not need to be that way. Instead, you can become creative with the kids outdoors in your backyard, turning it into a winter wonderland with fun activities.

Invest in a Fire Pit

Yes, you will find the fire pit in your yard a welcoming addition for a day of fun outdoors to visit with family and friends. Once everyone enjoys the winter fun activities, there is no better place than gathering around a fire with toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate. 

Build a Huge Snow Fort

Building a snow fort is a classic winter fun activity. Gather everyone to build the roof and walls, dig out the snow, and make tunnels. The children can build a rival fort for snowball fun or even a mega one using beach buckets to empty ice cream tubs as parapets. These are great for creating snow bricks with essential design features. 

Become Arty With Snow Paintings

One way to become creative outdoors is by using non-toxic snow paint. All you need is a food coloring with some water in squeeze bottles. It is an inexpensive way to have fun in the yard in winter. You can create a canvas of color, painting a masterpiece in the snow, making little ones more creative. But remember to take a picture before the snow covers it up.

Get a Warm-Up With a Trampoline 

One way to stay warm is with a trampoline close to the fire pit where kids can bounce around. At the same time, adults can keep an eye on them. A trampoline is fun to use for four seasons. Another benefit is that everyone can get exercise to stay fit. 

Create Magical Footprints in The Snow 

When a fresh snowfall covers the back yard head outdoors to design jumbo animal tracks by stomping patterns in the snow, think of those dinosaurs your son has or even long snake tracks to giant birds. The kids roll around in the snow or use their bodies to create patterns. Once done, head indoors for the children to draw their magical creatures at the fire.

Magical Colored Ice Gems 

Another great way to have fun in the yard in winter is to buy water balloons and fill them with different colored water using food coloring. You can then get the kids to leave them outside for the night until it freezes and the balloons burst. What you get are brightly colored ice gems. Then get them to clean up the balloon pieces and use the gems to decorate their fort. 

Create a Cocoa Station 

For those chilly starry evenings at the fire pit, set up some thermos with hot chocolate to warm up after playing. Then, gather some marshmallows, chocolate, sprinkles, cinnamon, and whipped cream, for some delicious toppings. 

Be The Judge of a Snowman Contest 

With family and friends over, bundle up in your warmest hats, mitts, and clothes to get the kids outdoors to build snowmen in the yard. You can browse through your Halloween costume trunk for the children to become creative with their snowmen. 

Play Knock Over the Flag 

Another fun variation with snowball fights is to capture the flag. You can set up flags at opposite ends of the yard with a middle line with divided teams. The main goal is to knock over each other’s flags using snowballs. When someone crosses over the line, the team can try to hit you using a snowball to send you back to your flag side before you can rejoin the game. 

Snow Removal Calgary

Preparing for Commercial Snow Removal

Winter means snow removal for your commercial building.  If you thought you would save some money and just ask your employees to help out, you probably have found out that there are better solutions.  A commercial snow removal company offers many advantages:

Working in the cold, snow and sometimes icy weather can be dangerous to health.  Using equipment you are unfamiliar with can cause problems for the operator and for the grounds.  A commercial snow removal company will develop a plan specific for your parking and walking area.  The company will also have the correct equipment for the job and the personnel trained to operate it.  Our goal is to keep your employees, customers, and property safe and your operations humming along.

A Professional Snow Removal Company

snow removal calgaryA professional snow removal company will work with you to develop a procedure that will be tailored to your physical surroundings and needs.  This can include plowing, shoveling, de-icing, and emergency services.  One of the main elements of this plan is deciding where the snow will be placed after it has been removed from the surfaces.  If you attempt this on your own, you will find you are taking up valuable parking spaces for your employees and customers.  Multiple snow falls will cause this snowbank to increase in volume which can cause serious problems if you are not careful.  A commercial snow removal company will have the ability to remove the snow from your area and dispose of it safely in another location.

Remember drip zones.  That means the area on your roof that can create a dam.  This can include an accumulation sliding off during a thaw or preventing leaks into your building.

Most businesses or leasing companies do not have access to equipment and vehicles that are appropriate for snow removal.  Opt for a company that uses the most advanced equipment available and that is kept in good condition.  This should include a provision for melting services.  After the snow is removed one day, overnight refreezing can cause complications.

Communication is also a key factor in choosing the right snow removal company for your needs.  They should be able to telephone or email about estimated times of arrival and any changes in their schedule.  On their own end, they should have a solid communication system with their drivers and workers for safety and updates.

Don’t overlook the standard questions before hiring any company.  That includes a full range of insurance for their services.  Ask to see a copy of their certificate so that you understand the limits of coverage and what your company may or may not be liable for.  You should ask about employee background checks and qualifications.

Shopping for any type of ancillary service for your business enterprise can be a challenge.  In Calgary, you have many choices for snow removal.  Our aim is that this post will provide you with some basic knowledge about how to interview for and select the best snow removal company for your needs and area so that your operation can remain safe and open for business as usual.

Snow Removal Calgary

What Does a Snow Removal Service Provide?

With winter nearly here, you wonder if a snow removal service is a worthy option to use at your home or commercial property. But, then, you think to yourself, what does a snow removal service in Calgary offer? Well, Project Landscape is here to answer that question.

Snow Plowing

Whether you have a residential or commercial property, winter snow can halt you right in your tracks. As a business, you do not want this happening, and with a snow contractor, you can keep moving the snow for your doors to remain open. With a snow removal service, they make sure the walkway, driveway, to parking lots are accessible for all visiting your place.

Ice Control

This is one of the most essential services presented by a snow removal service provider. Ice causes unforeseen accidents a business cannot afford. You do not want customers slipping and falling caused by ice. With the service of a snow removal contractor, they remove the risk, making walkways, driveways, and parking lots safe for everyone.

Sanding Service

Another essential service, especially for commercial properties, is sanding for parking lots. Again, when it comes to safety, sanding and salting are crucial. Having it done prevents ice buildup making it able for people to move around without slipping.

Sidewalk Service

It is not only businesses with parking lots that can benefit from a sidewalk service. Even homeowners can. With the service, you receive an edge-to-edge cleanup for all pedestrian routes to provide safety. A snow removal contractor removes snow and de-ices all steps, ramps, garbage enclosures, paths, and walkways. Still, the service does not end there as crews do regular visits to a site to check on ice buildups to provide a safe environment with satisfaction guaranteed.

Emergency Snow Removal

Calgary weather is unpredictable as it can be excellent the one day and the next moment there is a blizzard. But, with a snow removal service, you get 24/7 emergency services to remove piled-up snow from the premises. So, if you cannot get out of your door, just give a snow removal service in Calgary a call.

Snow Hauling and Evening Ice Checks

The truth is no one can predict when snow will start or stop. So, if you want to make sure as a retailer that there is no slipping and falling, have an evening ice check done. Hence, if there is snow, the snow removal service can ensure those walkways are safe in the morning.

Lastly, a snow removal service in Calgary does snow removal and hauling. So if snow is piling up, becoming a headache leading to parking stalls, creating ice buildup, or damaging landscapes, a snow removal contractor can help.

Snow Removal Calgary

Looking for Professional Snow Removal in Calgary?

It’s almost time.  The white flakes are just waiting to drift to the ground and pile up.  Winter is on the way with its snow.  Project Landscape is ready to help you with this odious task.  We provide snow removal services for both commercial and residential clients.


Many business owners simply think they can assign snow removal to one of their employees.  Actually, this can be a bad decision.  Having someone who is not used to that activity can mean you are risking their injury and a worker’s compensation claim.  It also means you are taking them away from their regular duties and that will simply slow your operation.

Having the parking lot, walkways and drives clear of snow makes your business more appealing to the walk-in customer.  It is also a benefit to your employees who know that you are concerned about their safety to and from their vehicles.

If you manage several commercial properties, we are able to work with you to have all of these areas cleared.  We work with office buildings, apartment and condos, industries, and other structures.  Instead of worrying about which tenant will complain next, you can have the confidence that we will arrange a schedule to accommodate your needs.


Snow removal can be very dangerous.  From slipping and breaking a bone to strained muscles to cardiac issues, for the untrained or underequipped it is an accident waiting to happen.  Don’t risk your own safety or that of someone else in your household.

Getting up early and/or being late to work is the result of an overnight snowfall that needs to be moved before you can get the car out of the driveway.  Plus, you will need to clear all walkways to be in compliance with the law.  Then you are exhausted before you even begin your day.

Hiring a professional snow removal company means you won’t hurt yourself from shoveling and your customers will feel safe patronizing your services.  Doing it yourself means spending time clearing the area when you could use your time far more productively.  It saves time.  We have the equipment and expertise to clear an area quickly and safely.  Plowing takes a fraction of the time that ordinary manual labor will need.

After you make the initial arrangements, it will be easy for you to sit back and watch someone else do the work.  The results we offer are far superior to those of a person moving snow with a shovel or even a snow blower.  With our equipment we are able to remove even that stubborn bottom layer.  Prior to the season, we will check out the area to be cleaned and make note of any obstacles or landscaping that should be respected.

Project Landscape has been in business for many years and has built our reputation on the quality workmanship and reasonable prices we offer.  We are licensed and insured and our drivers are trained to operate the equipment.  Just contact us to see what we can do for you.

Snow Removal Calgary

Commercial Snow Removal Calgary

One of the essential services in Calgary is snow removal. The truth is for six months of the year, residence experience heavy precipitation. Do you want to keep your business safe, sidewalks ice-free, and parking lots clear? Then you need a snow removal service in Calgary to provide you with plowing, sanding, hauling, and de-icing needs.

The Benefits of Commercial Snow Removal Calgary

You can make a difference in your business to make sure patrons of Calgary enter a safe environment with clear pathways welcomed into your shop or office. While that fresh snow looks pretty, it can prevent customers from reaching your place. The slush built-up also creates a challenge for customers in wheelchairs or needing mobility assistance.

Further, the ice-buildup presents a risk of slipping or falling for any person. Choosing commercial snow removal helps prevent injury claims. Not to mention the bylaw stating property owners need to keep their pathways clear from the last snowfall within 24-hours. So use the assistance of a snow removal service as an add-on to your maintenance lawn care in summer.

Get Year-Round Services

Let your business stand out with a commercial snow removal Calgary provider. They work around the clock to ensure your place is looking great the following morning after a blizzard. As a result, you will have a clean look to draw interest-keeping clients motivated to enter your shop.

With the sidewalks, clear clients feel confident as it instills safety. Using a landscaping provider makes a difference in your business, from snow removal to maintaining your lawn. In turn, you keep pedestrians safe during the winter. For example, snow removal services use smaller plows with shovels to remove snow.

The experts use salt and sand with gravel to add traction, making it safe for everyone. No matter what you need to be done, a landscaper in Calgary provides:

  •         Snow Hauling
  •         Sanding
  •         Plowing
  •         Sidewalk Snow Removal
  •         Liquid De-Icing

Snow Removal Calgary Keeps Customers Safe

No matter how small or big your property is, a commercial snow removal provider in Calgary has you covered. The expert teams provide you with basic to heavy snow hauling, as mentioned above. You can go according to a snow-by-snow basis with a monthly plan.

You can even call them in emergencies or choose an unlimited package with a set monthly rate. Do you have a big multi-day snow event taking place? A snow removal service provides clearing of snow every 24-hour. They will ensure your customers remain safe.

Everyone knows how dangerous snow blizzards are for you and pedestrians. So contact your local commercial snow removal Calgary provider today to take care of the sidewalks and roads. The best part is that this property maintenance is only one of the many services offered. In addition, you can use one landscaper to take care of your property needs throughout the year.


Snow Removal Calgary

Looking for Emergency snow removal?

There are many reasons why it is important for a Calgary commercial enterprise to remove snow from sidewalks, entryways, parking lots, and driveways.  Most companies make arrangements early in the season.  However, there are times when those plans fall through.  Perhaps it was assigned to an employee who is unable to complete the task or the company you hired failed to live up to expectations.  That means you need emergency snow removal.

At Project Landscape, we understand this predicament and are happy to help you out.  It is part of our philosophy to help you comply with these standards:

Obey the Law

emergency snow plowIn Calgary it is a law that you must have your walkways and sidewalks cleared after the snowfall ends.  If you fail to comply, you are subject to citation.  As good citizens, we are happy to help you with this compliance.


The first concern is for pedestrian traffic and slips and falls.  However, it is also a real possibility for vehicles to slip causing damage to their own car or truck, someone else’s, or the curbs or poles situated throughout the lot.  Clearing parking areas also means that it is safer for the shopper to move from their vehicle into your store.

If snow and ice are not removed properly, there can be serious damage to the asphalt and concrete.  That damage will then split and crack and result in expensive repaving when the weather is more temperate.  As a business owner you don’t need to add to your expenses.

A commercial snow removal company like Project Landscape will send out experienced crews who are trained in the proper use of equipment.  Using proven methods, the snow and ice will be removed for the safety of your employees and customers without damage to your sidewalks and parking areas.

Time Saving

Using a commercial snow removal company means that your employees are not pulled away from the jobs they were hired, that is, helping your customers.  Using your own employees can mean they are not as well versed in safety.  If one of them is injured during the snow or ice removal, you will need to file a workers compensation claim.  That also means you will be without a valuable employee during the recuperation period.  These are not good options for you as a concerned business owner.  Leaving this task to a professional means safety for all concerned.  Our employees are insured by us so you will have no liability issues to be concerned with.

Loss of Business

If you don’t have your areas cleared quickly after a snow or ice storm, you risk the lost of revenue.  Potential customers will come to your lot and seeing that it is not safe to drive or walk, they will simply keep traveling to your competitors.  This can have an impact on future sales because these people will feel that you don’t care enough about your customers to give them the prompt safety measures they expect.

If you have any questions about our emergency service, don’t hesitate to contact us about our emergency snow removal services in Calgary.

Snow Removal Calgary

Parking Lot Maintenance in Calgary

Just because it snows, you business does not stop.  Your employees still need to have a safe place to park and walk to the shop, office, or plant.  Clients and customers still need to have access to your establishment.


as you are probably very aware, Calgary bylaws require all parking areas, paths and sidewalks to be cleared within 24 hours of the end of the snow fall.  Failing to do so will get you cited by the City that can include a fine.  No one needs to deal with that.  Running a business is difficult enough.

Snow Removal Service in Calgary

Project Landscape is able to help you with your parking lot snow removal service.  We are able to take care of parking lots of all sizes from a small four or five slot to one that extends for acres.

parking lot maintenance calgary

We will work with you on appropriate times to lessen the impact on your business and customer base. We have the right tools, equipment and vehicles to safely remove snow and ice from your parking area.  Our crews understand that clearing snow is not just a matter of running a plow around the space.  There could be cars still there, speed bumps, and islands to navigate.  We are also especially conscious of any trees or shrubs that should be avoided.

Plowing – When we do our initial assessment of your property, we will discuss the best and safest place to pile the snow.  We can suggest places that will be of minimal impact to drivers and neighbors.

Hauling – If you prefer, or if the snow accumulation is such to warrant it, we have the ability to remove the snow from your parking lot and have it hauled to one of our dump sites.

Snow Melt – Some of our customers prefer the use of snow or ice melt products to reduce the need of plowing.  We have substances that will do the job.  We also have products like gravel or sand that have less impact on the environment but will still help as drivers navigate your parking area.

When you hire Project Landscape, you contract with the best.  One of our services is to monitor the weather, especially major snowfalls.  In this way our crews are always ready to help you maintain clear paths in your lots.

Our commercial snow removal services are not just for businesses.  We are also able to work with apartment complexes and condominium buildings.  This is a convenient service so that your own maintenance crews can stay safe in nasty weather and you can avoid workers’ compensation claims and still keep all of your tenants and condo owners happy with snow free access to their parking spaces.

Snow Removal Calgary

Snow Removal in Calgary

Calgary has bylaws that include a 24-hour timeframe to clear your sidewalks after a snowfall.  This is designed for the safety and consideration of all those who use pathways on a regular basis.  If you do not comply, you face warnings and then penalty assessments.

Snow Removal CalgaryInstead of worrying and dreading the backbreaking work of shovelling snow, or the frustration of using portable snow blowers, just contact Project Landscape.  We offer a full range of snow removal services for both residential and commercial clients.  Our services include:

  • Shovelling
  • Plowing
  • Ice removal
  • Porch and step clearing
  • Parking lot plowing
  • Sand and salt applications

Residential Snow Removal

It doesn’t take long for a snowfall to create slippery walkways, pavements, driveways, and paths.  This is a serious situation that can cause accidents for you, your family, postal delivery, etc.  Snow removal is not an easy task especially for those with medical conditions or the elderly.

Unkempt snow removal can be detrimental to your curb appeal.  Just because it is winter, there is no reason why your property should not look its best, especially in comparison to the others in your neighborhood.

At Project Landscaping it is our goal to give your home the warm appeal you established during the spring through fall.  You can relax indoors where it is safe while our crews do all the work.

Commercial Snow Removal

As a business owner in Calgary you have a huge responsibility to maintain all the walkways and parking areas to provide easy access for your customers and employees.  Assigning this task to one of your employees means taking them away from other work that could be earning you money.  It is far more reasonable to hire Project Landscape.  We have the right equipment and trained workers to help you keep your doors open to the public.

Our trucks are equipped with blades designed to clear parking areas without damage to the underlying asphalt or concrete.  We can also follow up with laying a mixture of sand to provide the best traction for walking and driving.

Walks that are kept clear of snow and ice reflect the concern your business has for others.  This not only creates a welcoming atmosphere but promotes good will.  If machines will not adequately remove the snow in front of your facility, we have backpack blowers and even hand shovels to tackle those difficult areas.

There may be limited area in your parking lot for the excess snow.  We understand this problem and therefore offer hauling and dumping services.

If all of this sounds pretty good to you, contact us at Project Landscape about scheduling snow and ice removal around your property this winter.  Our crews are professionals who are licensed and insured and who receive special training for this service.

You will find that our rates are reasonable and competitive in the city.  We have the equipment and personnel to handle this seasonal work.  We will be happy to schedule an appointment for one of our estimators to come to you to confirm the space and work to be provided.  We can then offer a firm quote for our services.

Snow Removal Calgary

Why You Should Hire a Commercial Snow Removal Service

Every winter property owners prepare for snow and ice removal.  For both commercial and residential owners the risk of injury to themselves or others is a critical reason to remove the snow and ice as soon as possible.  Removing the snow by yourself is certainly an option, but it is far better to hire a commercial snow removal service in Calgary to take care of this task for you.

Reduced Responsibilities – For homeowners it is important to remove the snow and ice so that you can use the driveway and so that foot traffic on the city sidewalks is safe.  For commercial enterprises, it is necessary to have the parking lot as well as the pathways clear for employees and customers.

It is a real responsibility to be out in the cold and wet clearing property following a snow or ice fall.  In fact, it can be downright depressing knowing that you need to perform this duty day after day to keep the driveway, parking area, and walkways clear.  This stressful situation is easily remedied by contracting with a commercial snow removal company.  They will be the ones gearing up and taking care of all the areas so that you and others can safely drive and walk.

Equipment – If you plan to take care of this removal yourself, you will need to invest in equipment.  A snow shovel can only handle so much weight and it re

Why You Should Hire a Commercial Snow Removal Service

quires a great deal of stamina even for those in good shape.  You can purchase a snow blower but to get a really good one.  Plus, you will still need to get out every morning in the cold and wind to operate it.  If it is gasoline powered, you will need to tug several times to get it started.  For an electric, you will need to be mindful of the cord or you could be in great difficulty.

For commercial owners you will need even more of an investment.  Scrapers on truck or SUV bumpers are only somewhat effective.  If you have a large area to clear, you can be at it for quite some time.  Salts and chemicals will eat away at the cement and asphalt.

Potential Injuries – If you get out on your own, you risk pulled muscles, falls, and cardiac events.  As a business owner you can assign the clearing to your employees.  However, if one of them is injured in the process, you will need to deal with a worker’s compensation claim.  Homeowners can hire the kid down the street, but, again, if there is some type of injury, you will be responsible.  Check with your homeowners policy about the limits of your liability in these situations.

Hire a Commercial Snow Removal Service in Calgary Today

In addition to these issues, you run the risk of damaging the turf covered by the snow or the concrete, pave stones, asphalt, and any nearby shrubbery.  The best alternative is to contact Project Landscape to get an estimate for our snow removal service.  It will be quicker than doing it yourself and you will not need to worry every time you see a snowflake.